Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wish I could fix it....

I over heard this conversation recently between a lady & the person she was pushing in a wheelchair...
"You just have to decide to be happy."
"I know, I just wish I could live with someone I know."
"Well, I found two extra Christmas gifts that I am going to give you."

My heart hurt so much for both of them, wish I could fix it.

Today, I heard that a young man at church, is leaving his wife and 3 children(under 5), to spend a year in Iraq.

Wish I could fix it.

When life keeps bucking loved ones and times are hard.

Wish I could fix it.

What I CAN FIX...

A heart of gratitude that God is in control, and I can petition HIS love and peace in all situations.
And show my love and concern when possible.

1 comment:

Kathy aka Pie said...

I too am a fixer. I've really been wrestling with the fact that I can't fix everything. I'm trying harder to accept the things that are beyond the reach of my "bandaids". I too wish I could fix it, all of it.