Monday, August 1, 2011

Mymuh's Pineapple cake.

We just returned from Marc's family celebration, honoring the 100 birthday of his late parents.
It's always a great time to connect, watch the kids enjoy each other and eat lots of good food.
This year, Twila shared the recipe of their grandmother's favorite cake, always made for the reunions in the past.

Had to try that it....
and love the original recipe

Pineapple Cake

Yellow cake mix (even 60 yrs ago)


Hand full of flour
Butter (size of an egg) (3 TBSP)
Glass of water (3/4 cup)
Small can of crushed pineapples

In skillet melt butter and mix with flour.
Add water and a cup of sugar
Then add crushed pineapples.

It was very yummy and I'm glad that Twila was able to translate the recipe.
It's always fun to share recipes from the past and feel connected to those that are so special to the family.

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