"They are the moons shining over me"
That is the last line of a book I recently read...
causing me to reflect on the many women who
imprinted my heart in many ways.
No doubt, my mother tops that list...
but I am so thankful that her friends embraced
all of us, and we were undeniably loved by amazing
families. Not related, by blood, except for the blood of Christ
out so steady...after losing her Mom as a teen
and placed with an Aunt, when her step-mother
didn't have a place for her. (Choose to use her room
to rent to students.) However, Mom put that
injustice on the back burner, so we could have a
relationship with our grandparents.
Mom made the effort to find a church family,
and when our Dad followed a few years later
I remember feeling complete.
(Grando, Morgandy & Lana)
She loves her grandkids and great grandkids
and it is such a treat to see their love and
respect for her.
(Kathy, Grando, Terry, & Ben )
Mom has been embraced by all her grandkids
friends, and some of them would call and ask her
name, only knowing her as Grando...now wanting
to invite her to their weddings or special occasion.
Elizabeth & Dick along with Ralph & Mary
became extended families to us, an added bonus.
I loved that Elizabeth welcomed everyone to her
home...never embarassed about the way 7 people lived.
Recently, I thought of her, when I hear of the following
"If you are coming to see me...Welcome
If you want to see my house...make an appointment!"
She showed me that stuff is never more important
than people. Also, hearing, "I love you" was as normal
as breathing.
I was also forever changed by my Mom's friend, Mary.
She always made sure I had a hug & kiss after church...
and even as a teenager, I would seek her out for the
love of Mary.
These women also taught me so much...friends of Mom's
are Moons that shine over me.
My Dad's Aunts also made a huge difference in my life:
They loved my Dad so much!
Aunt Ollie...naturally loud..funny story teller
Aunt Mytle..organized...nurturing
Aunt Ann... loving and fancy
Aunt Fay... kind and sweet
I love to reflect on the many moons that shine over me,
thanks to my precious Mom & Dad. So very blessed!
I love you, Mom!