Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Her response...

I loved spending 6 days with Morgandy, just wish I'd had a camera. However the conversations we had were a sweet as any pictures.

About Golf...I was watching the Presidential Open, when Morgandy decided the best place to hit the golf ball was in the big hole, "Sand Trap. I explained that it wasn't the way the game was played. Her response, "When I get big and play golf with Papa, I'm going to hit it in the big hole."

About time out....It was getting close to bedtime, and I thought time-out may be in order.
Her response, "I know, you can read me a book, say my prayers, give me a kiss and hug, then you can have time out."

About the bed time stories... the Bearenstein Bears and Pharaoh had not made good choices.
Her response, "They all need to calm down, (Zen style) hands out, eyes closed and say "HUMMMM"

About going to the bathroom....I suggested she use the bathroom before she put on her puffy Cinderella dress.
Her response, "I did! Are you kidding me?"
"No, I said, " but I think your kidding me."

About the stairs.... I was bringing up her stroller after a walk to the park.
Her response, from the top landing, "Come on Grams, You can do it!"
I was bringing up groceries and from the top landing...
"I am King of the Castle, and your a dirty rascal."

About the puzzles...She would dump all 3 puzzles out at once and even through she ask if I wanted to help her, I learned that I needed to know her system...which ended up being , just sit and watch. When the cardboard pieces bent a bit, she decided they needed tape.

Bringing a huge suitcase made a wonderful boat for all the dolls and playing soccer with the ball, really was playing hide and seek with it. Eating food from her play kitchen, we had to take turns choosing healthy food, although pizza qualified.

There was a lot of, "Don't help me!"

I loved it all, and look forward to the new things Morgandy learns and does. She is a delight!

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