Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Mom's Wisdom

Adam, Jonathan, Leta & Ben

I've learned so much from my sister, (sometimes a little to late)
We love to share kids stories, even though they are no longer kids,
and recently she recalled one about her 3 amazing boys.
They were all being grounded for something and the punishments
were as follows.... soccer
Adam friends or phone calls Nintendo

She knew she had the punishments right when Adam approached
her with a plan.
"Mom, You know how the Bible says to bear each others burdens?
Well, that's what we want to do, I'll take Jon punishment, he
will take Ben's and Ben will take mine, then we will be obeying God."

He left the room and Kathy heard him say, "See guys, I told you that
wouldn't work."

A comfort to me, is thinking that Adam is up in heaven and hearing Jesus say,
"Good try, Adam."
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