Thursday, February 3, 2011

If I only had a camera at Church...

The past few Sundays at church, I've seen a bit of transformation in Morgandy.

She had a hard time understanding the wisdom of Solomon when he acted like he was going to cut the baby in half... ( "it's wrong to play a trick on others," she said) I understand her confusion.

I wanted to record the Sunday she sat in her Mom's lap and sang, "Surround us, Lord" was precious.

Communion was a novelty to her, and she ask why everyone was eating crackers. Then she just had to lick the leftover juice in the cup.

The conversation surrounding communion has been extensive, in a 4 yr old way, so she finally planned her own communion this past Sunday. She had a fish cracker, then bowed her head, folded her hands and thought of Jesus. Then she had a drink of water, and did the same thing.
It made me appreciate the simple love of a child. She shines with the desire to express worship to God.

As she pays more attention, in worship service, she ask why that man (the song leader) was waving his hand?

Watching this sweet girl is a precious connection to God's love. I am blessed and transformed by her love.

1 comment:

Lana said...

she shows Jesus in so many ways. I love that kid.