Monday, March 12, 2007

Texas Panhandle

I got to go back to my home town last week. It was great to see the big sky again. Also got to see old Amarillo neighbors, and reminisce about my childhood. I use to play with Leta, alot, and learned that although she was my sisters age, I was the "go along" girl. Playing with my sister Kathy, meant that Leta would have to compromise on the activity, but I went right along with her schemes. Some lead to trouble, like burning the Christmas tree branch by branch. I love the way we sang ""UP FROM THE GRAVE HE AROSE! as we did communion under the carport.

Driving to Lubbock for a day, it occurred to me that cows had no shelter out on the plains of Texas. They had to be tough to endure the wind & snow. I felt showered by tumble weeds on one stretch of road,then a dust storm followed by the rain we had seen 100 miles away. I love the openness and big sky of the Texas Panhandle, and it was good to be back.

1 comment:

Kim P. said...

There's something beautiful about the open desolate panhandle that those of us who have lived there can only appreciate! I'm glad you got to go back and visit =)

And yes, cows are pretty resilient up there...and definitely a little smelly at times!