Monday, March 26, 2007

Breaking Free

Many of you have heard of Beth Moore, and her gift to protray God as her "Precious, Holy Father." In fact her relationship with our Heavenly Father is a passion that she longs to share. Without a doubt, she has a contagious motivating spirit.
In one of her lessons on "Breaking Free", she offered the following truths for grieving the loss of someone.

"Joy and effectiveness may seem to pause for a while as grief takes its course, but those who allow their broken hearts to be bound by Christ, will experience them again."

"When our hearts are shattered after a devastating loss, we have the opportunity to welcome a supernatural power to our lives. It is a power that displays the life of Christ in us like no other because it defies all odds. God becomes the only explanation for our survival and revival. Perhaps the most profound miracle of all is living through something we though would kill us."

"When our hearts are hemorrhaging with grief and loss, never forget that Christ binds and compresses it with a nail-scarred hand."

These words of hope and encouragement, reminds me of HIS Faithfulness and healing hands.

1 comment:

Marta said...

Thank you for your comments on my blog. We loved Adam very much and miss him. I love these words from Beth Moore you've put on your post. In general, I just really like Beth Moore. What a wise lady! Please know that Adam's family is still in our thoughts and prayers daily. God bless you!