Saturday, February 24, 2007


I love Drive-In's. I have to say Sonic is my favorite. We also loved a Blizzard from Dairy Queen as we drove from east Texas back home. I guess you call those drive-Thru's. But, they aren't around here, like in Texas. I miss that.
Back to Drive-In's! Love the memories of our family going to a Drive-in movie. Could take your shoes off, move around, sit on the hood, wear your pajama's. Nice benefits to that rare form of entertainment.
One horrifying experience was the night I got to go with my sister and all her cool friends, to a Drive-In to see "The Graduate" We were there before dark, picked a good parking place, and waited. Cars drove by to find a place to park, and we were shocked to see our Mom & her friend driving past us. They never saw us, but I didn't enjoy this adventure at all.

I have just found a new (to me) type of Drive-In. I drove pasted it when we first moved here, but then decided I was mistaken, until I drove past it twice yesterday. It's a Drive-In Church. I guess it is large enough for 50 cars. There appears to be a small shed at the front of the lot. No individual speakers for the cars. Maybe, you tune in to a certain radio channel.

So, if I ever feel like fellowshipping with others, in my pajama's, with a Sonic coke, parked beside there car, maybe decline my seat back for comfort, and singing along, (where others don't have to hear) I may give it a try.

For now, I'll just drive by and try to get an understanding of the Drive-In church concept.

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