Friday, February 16, 2007

Random Ramblings

We don't know where the pictures of Morgandy went , sorry about that!

Look alike!
Had some pictures taken of Morgandy & then got out Myra's baby pictures...there's a close match. Sure was fun having them here.

Adam Connection!
I've found another "Adam Connection" "Big Steve" lived in Portland, knew Ben, now lives in Arlington (birthplace of Lana & Alex) came to Adam's funeral, now in Missoula this week end
for a youth rally that Lana is helping with.

Lana's style!
A traditional award at the Missoula youth rally is an "Ebenezer award". Not familiar with the emblem used for the award, Lana came across a classified ad " Giving away bowling trophies"
So, for this year the awards will be bowling trophies!

Quieter semester!
Alex claimed that this semester, he would spend more time studying & not overdo the acting extras. Next thing I know, he's in a school produced T.V. show, a school club "Musical", with a lead part, and still wants to go to one more audition... so that's it for a quieter semester.

New Job!
Lana is taking off this semester from school, and been looking for a job. She has been hired as an assistant physical therapist at a private nursing home. Training starts in March! Another prayer answered.

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